Latest coronavirus news
Argentina: The federal government expands its list of businesses that can resume activities. Among them are:
- Tax collection establishments.
- Provincial, municipal and city tax agencies (prior appointment required).
- National and provincial registries, such as automotive or real estate.
- Retail through e-commerce platforms, phone sales and other payment methods that do not require personal contact. Home delivery will be permitted with the proper health checks, protocols and logistics planning.
- Medical care, clinical analysis laboratories and dentistry (prior appointment required).
- Production for export and for the reactivation of “specific industrial processes,” with prior authorization from the Ministry of Production Development.
Under no circumstances may stores open their doors to the public
Please contact Roberta Carnaccini, Global Operation Director, Immigration, for more info.
Chile: New government measures implemented:
- New Communes under quarantine are El bosque, parts of Independencia (Southern zone, from Gamero to Mapocho River), Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Quinta Normal, San Bernardo and Urban Arica.
- Communes remaining under quarantine are Chillán, Chillan Viejo, Eastern Ñuñoa, Osorno, Puente Alto (western side), Punta Arenas and Temuco.
- Communes no longer in quarantine are Hualpén, Las Condes, Nueva Imperial, Padre de las Casas and San Pedro de la Paz.
- Lockdown has ended for the south half of Ñuñoa, divided by the Grecia Avenue, the south part of Santiago, starting on Matta Avenue y Blanco Encalada.
Please contact Roberta Carnaccini, Global Operation Director, Immigration, for more info.
U.S: The president of the United States suspends entry of immigrants. More info at: The White House
Disclaimer: The above information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have any further inquiries regarding the applicability of this information, please contact Roberta Carnaccini, Global Operations Director, Immigration.
India: The government extends lockdown until May 3, 2020, with travel restrictions. More info at: BBC and Bureau of immigration
Disclaimer: The above information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have any further inquiries regarding the applicability of this information, please contact Debra Jane Beynon, Regional Immigration Manager (APAC).
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