International Assignment Return on Investment

International Assignment-related Return on Investment (ROI) is a topic that the Global Mobility industry has attempted to get its arms around for at least a decade. The primary challenge is that, until recently, individual organizations—and the industry as a whole—have not agreed on how to measure this type of ROI. What we now know is that the measurement of international assignment-related ROI will vary based on each company’s priorities, but it needs to include four key variables:

1. What are the organization’s objectives for sending the employee on an international assignment?

2. How will the organization know if their objectives have been met at the end of the assignment (success criteria)? Are any of the objectives long-term and do they need to be tracked following the assignment in order to measure them?

3. What are the employee’s (and their family’s) objectives and their motivation for accepting an international assignment?

4. How will the employee (and their family) know if the objectives and motivation have been met at the end of the assignment? Are any of the objectives and motivations long-term and do they need to be tracked following the assignment in order to measure them?

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