Immigration weekly update: October 20, 2022

Immigration news update for APAC and EMEA regions


Indonesia: Changes to the Work Permit approval process

The Ministry of Manpower in Indonesia has issued a circular letter (No. 4 Year 2022) confirming a recommendation letter from will no longer be needed to apply for a working permit. With the revocation of CL 11/2021 by CL 4/2022, recommendations from relevant ministries/institutions for an RPTKA ratification are no longer required. This recommendation has now been verified as been in place since October 06, 2022.

This summary was prepared using information obtained from the Ministry of ManPower (in Indonesian language).

Disclaimer: The above information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have any further inquiries regarding the applicability of this information, please contact Debra Jane Beynon (Regional Immigration Manager, APAC).


Europe, Middle East and Africa

Czech Republic: Implementation of entry restrictions

The Czech government has announced further entry restriction on Russian nationals. Russian nationals with a valid Schengen visa issued by any EU countries will no longer be permitted to visit the country, from October 25, 2022.

This summary was prepared using information obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Czech language).

Sweden: Passport control during Residence Permit applicants

From November 1, foreigner nationals applying for initial residence permits in Sweden will need to show their original passport at a Swedish consular post before an approval can be granted. The Migration Agency will need to see the original passport of renewal applicants who got a new one while they were in Sweden for approval. This new modification applies only to those who got a new passport during their visit to Sweden and are subject to the new requirement for passport renewals; those who showed their passport in person are unaffected.

This summary was prepared using information obtained from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Disclaimer: The above information is provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. If you have any further inquiries regarding the applicability of this information, please contact Roberta Carnaccini (Global Operations Director).

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