Think about the process you go through when you make a big purchase…
…whether it be on property, a piece of jewellery, a car – you wouldn’t invest in something so significant without doing your research first.
The same extensive research should go into international assignments, and a candidate assessment can be the key to unlocking success in these.
Despite there being many deterrents to introducing a candidate assessment (e.g., avoiding delays in the assignment itself), having this process in place has proven to generate long-term benefits. help generate an ideal pool of enthusiastic employees, encourage diversity, as well as enable companies to match an assignee to the best host country. Plus, it can save organisations significant time and money by having a pool of candidates pre-determined.
Our guide on candidate selection and preparation highlights how having an assessment in place can support assignment success, including:
- The differing benefits between self-assessment and third-party assessments, and the meaningful conversations that can come from these.
- How involving the whole family in the decision-making process early can ensure assignments are perfectly crafted to suit everyone included
- Recognising generational differences, and how technology has played a significant role in ‘global citizenship’.
So, whether you are thinking of incorporating assessment options into your global mobility program, or reviewing the effectiveness of your current program, here are our five top tips for utilizing candidate assessment and preparedness options.